Sweeping changes debut with the Calabasas High School schedule beginning August 2011.
The faculty voted for a new schedule that will dramatically impact the learning community here at Calabasas High School. Educational studies have shown that a later start for high school students improves cognitive functioning, as well as sports performance and overall demeanor.
The new schedule will feature a traditional six-period schedule on Monday, followed by four days of block schedule with three of those starting first period at 8:40 am (an hour later than current start time). On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, students needing to attend a support period will have that opportunity before first period. Another feature is an early dismissal on Fridays which will decrease the amount of time many of our student athletes will miss from the classroom. A committee is finalizing the specific times to ensure that we meet the required number of instructional minutes.
“Between sports and my academic classes, I am up late many nights. This will be so great for students to have that extra hour to sleep and not have to study for all classes every night,” stated senior student Trisha Gutschlag.
“The opportunity to have the block periods to address topics in a longer format take classroom learning to deeper level," stated Ed Edsall, Social Studies teacher.
Many parents and students in the community have expressed concern with the current schedule and have been supporters of the change. “It is painful for me to have to wake my son at 6:30am after he has been studying and then working on a project for the Art Media & Entertainment Academy till late at night,” Mathy Wasserman, a parent explained adding “this will make a huge difference in how he learns and his positive attitude at home.”
Calabasas High School, in the Las Virgenes Unified School District, is a National Blue Ribbon School, a California Distinguished School and has an API score of 849. Focusing on college preparation, with a strong Regional Occupation Program, 98% of Calabasas High students continue to post secondary schools.
Please enjoy some of the behind-the-scenes glimpses into CHS this past Month.
Music program travels next week to Savannah, Georgia to perform & compete.
After school pick-up game on the quad. Football is alive and well at CHS.
Training in the weight room. This is where the session begins and makes a difference.
DJ preparing for the Vice dance, Journey into Wonderland.
The lights were amazing, yellows, reds, blues and greens. What an amazing vision ASB had and executed for this dance!
Candy bar all lit up with whimsy and imagination.
Quad lit with colors and shapes led students through the rabbit hole and into wonderland.
Party got started at 7:30 pm.
Journey into Wonderland inside the gym/club.
Spring Baseball against Simi Valley High School.
First baseman makes the catch and "OUT!"
Great new Baseball Snack Shack. Thanks for your loyalty.
Pitcher prepares to strike out another opponent.
Coach Edsall runs the game with a sharp eye and cunning strategy.
A perfect bunt.
Did you ever wonder what teachers do during Professional Development? Dr. Raleigh should not be having so much fun creating a common assessment for our students next year, but he appears to be doing so.
The California Standards are reviewed on a Smart Board. Then the teachers from Agoura High and Calabasas High, create test questions based on the standards.
English teachers creating their test on laptops in the media center. Common Assessments created in our new data program, DataWise, a powerful tool that will help teachers analyze student information so as to inform instruction.
Dance Team leaves in the early morning light to compete in Anaheim!
Dance captains made fleece Coyote Paw print fabric blankets for each of the dancers.
Spring Lacrosse team jumps and runs to score.
Spring Softball Team celebrates a WIN. Go Coyotes!
Celebrate with your Coyotes and encourage them to get involved in a sport or activity. Make memories that will last a lifetime! Have a great week.