Thursday, February 24, 2011

What does Support Period LOOK like?

Often in my Weekend Message, I ask parents to remind their students to "use support wisely." Support Period takes place on block days, following the first period.  During Support Period, students that are on-track with good grades, have EARNED AUTONOMY which means they can choose where they want to go to receive the support that they need. Some students choose to use this period to meet friends for a study session or social break in the lower quad, Other students go to the library/media center, college and career office or counseling office.  All teachers are available in their classroom to assist students.  Students that have 2 or more D's or Fails are placed on MANDATED SUPPORT and MUST attend Support Period in the classroom where they need help. 

Did you ever wonder what support looks like?  Here is a sample of what goes on during support.
 Ms. Bennet's drawing class
 Outdoors student buddies
 Classroom study buddies
Lower quad study session
 Foods prep
 Teachers order nutritious and delicious snacks from our own chefs in Coyote Cafe!

Ms. Schepple's room study group
 Lower quad study session
 H hallway study session
 Mrs. Heukrodt tutoring session
 Mr. Edsall's study room
 Ms. Hoeffer's study opportunities
 Ms. Midiri's Math Honor Society - OPEN TO ALL!
 Math Honor Society
 Packed room - Math Honor Society
 Mr. Novak reviews grades with happy student
 Inside studying
 Outside, lower quad student writing paper on her personal laptop.
 A little studying, romance and friendship
 Lower quad study session
 H Hallway reading session
Calabasas students know what they need to do to succeed.  Thank you all for making it work in such a positive, productive and encouraging manner.  When I walk the campus during support period, it feels like a college campus. Cool campus.  Thanks! ~Mrs. Foss, principal

1 comment:

  1. Great Job recording Mock Trial as well as support period! Kudus to Tom and his group! KH
